Paste two files side by side |
Select random lines from a file |
Line/Word/Character count of a dataset |
Filter data on any column using simple expressions |
Sort data in ascending or descending order |
Select lines that match an expression |
Join two datasets side by side on a specified file |
Compare two datasets to find common or distinct rows |
Group data by a column and perform aggregate operation on other columns |
Add column to an existing dataset |
add_value |
Change case of selected columns |
change_case |
Column join |
column_join |
Column Join on Collections |
collection_column_join |
Compute an expression on every row |
column_maker |
Concatenate multiple datasets tail-to-head |
concatenate_multiple |
Convert delimiters to TAB |
convert_characters |
Cut columns from a table |
cut_columns |
Merge columns together |
merge_cols |
Column regex find and replace |
regex_find_replace |
Remove beginning of a file |
remove_beginning |
Select first lines from a dataset |
show_beginning |
Select last lines from a dataset |
show_tail |
Split file according to the values of a column |
split_file_on_column |
Unique occurrences of each record |
unique |
Text processing tools using the GNU coreutils, sed, awk and friends |
8.25 |
text_processing |
GNU datamash |
1.0.6 |
suite_datamash |