Microbiota dedicated tools

Metagenomics data manipulation

Name Version Galaxy wrapper
VSEARCH [13] 1.9.7 vsearch
Nonpareil [11] 3.1.1 nonpareil


Name Version Galaxy wrapper
MEGAHIT [7] 1.1.2 vsearch
metaSPAdes [9] 3.9.0 nonpareil
metaQUAST [8] 4.5 quast
VALET 1.0 valet

Metataxonomic sequence analysis

Name Version Galaxy wrapper
Mothur [13] 1.36.1 suite_mothur
QIIME [4] 1.9.1 suite_qiime

Taxonomy assignation on WGS sequences

Name Version Galaxy wrapper
MetaPhlAn2 [15] 2.6.0 suite_metaphlan2
Format MetaPhlAn2 0.1.0 format_metaphlan2_output
KRAKEN [15] 0.10.5 suite_kraken_0_10_5

Metabolism assignation

Name Version Galaxy wrapper
HUMAnN2 [1] 0.11.1 suite_humann2
Group HUMAnN2 to GO slim term [3] 1.2.0 group_humann2_uniref_abundances_to_go
PICRUST [6] 1.1.1 suite_picrust
InterProScan [5] 5.0.0 interproscan5

Combination of functional and taxonomic results

Name Version Galaxy wrapper
Combine MetaPhlAn2 and HUMAnN2 outputs 0.1.0 combine_metaphlan2_humann2


Name Version Galaxy wrapper
export2graphlan 0.19 export2graphlan
GraPhlAn [2] 1.0.0 suite_graphlan
KRONA [11] 2.6.1 taxonomy_krona_chart


[1]Sahar Abubucker, Nicola Segata, Johannes Goll, Alyxandria M. Schubert, Jacques Izard, Brandi L. Cantarel, Beltran Rodriguez-Mueller, Jeremy Zucker, Mathangi Thiagarajan, Bernard Henrissat, Owen White, Scott T. Kelley, Barbara Methé, Patrick D. Schloss, Dirk Gevers, Makedonka Mitreva, and Curtis Huttenhower. Metabolic Reconstruction for Metagenomic Data and Its Application to the Human Microbiome. PLoS Comput Biol, 8(6):e1002358, June 2012. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002358, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002358.
[2]Francesco Asnicar, George Weingart, Timothy L Tickle, Curtis Huttenhower, and Nicola Segata. Compact graphical representation of phylogenetic data and metadata with graphlan. PeerJ, 3:e1029, 2015.
[3]Bérénice Batut. Group abundances of UniRef50 gene families obtained with HUMAnN2 to Gene Ontology (GO) slim terms with relative abundances: release v1.2.0. 2016. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50086.
[4]J. Gregory Caporaso, Justin Kuczynski, Jesse Stombaugh, Kyle Bittinger, Frederic D. Bushman, Elizabeth K. Costello, Noah Fierer, Antonio Gonzalez Peña, Julia K. Goodrich, Jeffrey I. Gordon, Gavin A. Huttley, Scott T. Kelley, Dan Knights, Jeremy E. Koenig, Ruth E. Ley, Catherine A. Lozupone, Daniel McDonald, Brian D. Muegge, Meg Pirrung, Jens Reeder, Joel R. Sevinsky, Peter J. Turnbaugh, William A. Walters, Jeremy Widmann, Tanya Yatsunenko, Jesse Zaneveld, and Rob Knight. QIIME allows analysis of high-throughput community sequencing data. Nature Methods, 7(5):335–336, May 2010. URL: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v7/n5/full/nmeth.f.303.html, doi:10.1038/nmeth.f.303.
[5]Sarah Hunter, Rolf Apweiler, Teresa K Attwood, Amos Bairoch, Alex Bateman, David Binns, Peer Bork, Ujjwal Das, Louise Daugherty, Lauranne Duquenne, and others. Interpro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic acids research, 37(suppl_1):D211–D215, 2008.
[6]Morgan GI Langille, Jesse Zaneveld, J Gregory Caporaso, Daniel McDonald, Dan Knights, Joshua A Reyes, Jose C Clemente, Deron E Burkepile, Rebecca L Vega Thurber, Rob Knight, and others. Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16s rrna marker gene sequences. Nature biotechnology, 31(9):814–821, 2013.
[7]Dinghua Li, Chi-Man Liu, Ruibang Luo, Kunihiko Sadakane, and Tak-Wah Lam. Megahit: an ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de bruijn graph. Bioinformatics, 31(10):1674–1676, 2015.
[8]Alla Mikheenko, Vladislav Saveliev, and Alexey Gurevich. Metaquast: evaluation of metagenome assemblies. Bioinformatics, 32(7):1088–1090, 2015.
[9]Sergey Nurk, Dmitry Meleshko, Anton Korobeynikov, and Pavel Pevzner. Metaspades: a new versatile de novo metagenomics assembler. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03071, 2016.
[11]Brian D Ondov, Nicholas H Bergman, and Adam M Phillippy. Interactive metagenomic visualization in a web browser. BMC bioinformatics, 12(1):385, 2011.
[11]Luis M Rodriguez-r and Konstantinos T Konstantinidis. Nonpareil: a redundancy-based approach to assess the level of coverage in metagenomic datasets. Bioinformatics, 30(5):629–635, 2013.
[13]Torbjørn Rognes, Frédéric Mahé, Tomas Flouri, Daniel McDonal, and Pat Schloss. Vsearch: VSEARCH 1.4.0. 2015. URL: https://github.com/torognes/vsearch.
[13]Patrick D. Schloss, Sarah L. Westcott, Thomas Ryabin, Justine R. Hall, Martin Hartmann, Emily B. Hollister, Ryan A. Lesniewski, Brian B. Oakley, Donovan H. Parks, Courtney J. Robinson, Jason W. Sahl, Blaz Stres, Gerhard G. Thallinger, David J. Van Horn, and Carolyn F. Weber. Introducing mothur: Open-Source, Platform-Independent, Community-Supported Software for Describing and Comparing Microbial Communities. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 75(23):7537–7541, December 2009. URL: http://aem.asm.org/content/75/23/7537, doi:10.1128/AEM.01541-09.
[15]Duy Tin Truong, Eric A. Franzosa, Timothy L. Tickle, Matthias Scholz, George Weingart, Edoardo Pasolli, Adrian Tett, Curtis Huttenhower, and Nicola Segata. MetaPhlAn2 for enhanced metagenomic taxonomic profiling. Nat Meth, 12(10):902–903, October 2015. URL: http://www.nature.com.gate1.inist.fr/nmeth/journal/v12/n10/full/nmeth.3589.html, doi:10.1038/nmeth.3589.
[15]Derrick E Wood and Steven L Salzberg. Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments. Genome biology, 15(3):R46, 2014.